trust God with all your heart


remaining centered during uncertain times

trust in the lord quote_the peace of god

*this post is all about trusting God in difficult times.

like most people, i have felt confused and unsettled over the past few weeks. information is constantly swirling around the internet, our daily conversations, and our thoughts. during this ever-changing situation, it’s difficult not to engage. having information at the tip of your fingertips is both a blessing and a challenge. i’ve become more overwhelmed and anxious as the week progresses. it seems like every minute things are becoming different. change is difficult. as a global community, we have entered a season of uncertainty, and our lives are shifting into a new reality. it has exposed our illusion of control. it has produced a level of fear many of us have never experienced before. this morning i took a step back to pause and reflect.

here’s what i realized:

God is still sovereign

i’m a planner. i gain comfort from knowing what my day and week will entail. my type-a personality thrives on routine, and i become anxious when a wrench gets thrown into the mix. so this week has been a-mazing. i felt the Lord speaking to me this morning, asking me to identify what i depend on and whose plan i trust more, his or my own? i want to say this question was easy to answer: i trust God’s plan over my own. but that’s a dishonest response based on my present thoughts and emotions. that was a hard pill to swallow.

colossians 1 16-17 niv meaning_all things were created by him and for him_bible verse wallpaper

Jesus is in control of all creation; everything is under his dominion—visible and invisible. we can put our trust in his all-encompassing power, omniscience, and love. when everything seems uncertain, we can communicate our feelings to the One who cares. we can put our trust in him (psalm 62:8). he is sovereign and in control of everything under the sun including our health, finances, jobs, family, and communities. lean into him and let him lead you (proverbs 16:9).

there is much to be grateful for

gratitude is a remedy for negative thinking. our thoughts are powerful, and our words produce energy. what we think about grows roots, and what we focus on only increases. incessantly watching the news and receiving updates can become adverse. we absorb so much negativity and then wonder why we feel overwhelmed. we have to stop and take a moment to focus on the good; remind ourselves of everything we have, instead of what we don’t have. to consider what we can do, instead of what is out of our control. we must become more purposeful, shift our focus, and function from a place of higher awareness. acknowledge the positive and dwell in that space. considering all we have to be grateful for will change our perspective. it exposes the sense of entitlement and helps to take the focus off of self. there is much to be thankful for; we just have to acknowledge it.

be deliberate

when you take the focus off of self, your lens expands as you zoom out. during this time, it can be a challenge to look for opportunities to give when we’re focused on our own needs. for most of us, we live from a place of abundance, regardless of whether we realize it. despite current circumstances, we have more than enough. as believers, we are called to give (matthew 25:40; acts 20:35). many people are showing up for others outside and inside of their communities; this is a beautiful thing. but i felt God asking me, “i am pleased with them, but what are you specifically doing?” there is always a way to help, whether that be giving your time, resources, or finances. as our lives shift into a new reality, we all have a prime opportunity to take care of one another and show up for those most in need. any act of kindness, whether big or small, can go a long way.


remain connected to the Source

most of us are aware of the daily headlines, worries, and unprecedented challenges that the world is facing and we want to stay informed. information sources can come from virtually anywhere, and amount of media input we’re consuming has increased. being aware is not a bad thing, as long as we’re not inundated by it. we must curb our intake and make sure we absorb information from the Source (psalm 118:8)—not just a source. we serve a steadfast God with a wellspring of information that produces goodness, hope, joy, patience, and peace. during times of worry or fear, we can fix our eyes on God instead of placing our dependence on humans. people are great resources, but there is only one who can completely comfort our souls, handle our emotions, and provide us with the truth. he is our point of information and comfort.



if God is for us: the everlasting truth of our great salvation by trillia j. newbell 

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the source of self-regard: selected essays, speeches, and meditations by toni morrison

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*this post is all about trusting God in hard times.

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where to next?


find your identity in Christ


affirming the promises of God